In this issue of The Crux, I ask for prayer for Thomas, an atheist I'm ministering to; Tyrone, a young man I met while selling books; and me as I transition to full-time authorship.
A self-created outline for the book Cryptocurrency and the End Times, which will be the next book I write.
What should Christians do if an Anti-Christ rises up and institutes the Mark of the Best in our time? Cryptocurrencies could provide the answer for any end times scenario.
How do the righteous inherit the sinner's wealth? There is more to Proverbs 13:22 than meets the eye.
What is the prosperity gospel? Does God promise prosperity to all believers, or is there another meaning to prosperity than "wealth"?
Does wisdom rub off if we run with the wise? What is wisdom and where does it come from? 5 ways to obtain wisdom.
Despite its difficulty in translation, Proverbs 13:18 can teach us something very important about listening to critics and heeding discipline.
Proverbs 13:17 is a challenging verse. Does it have applications in the modern world? You might be surprised at the many ways it does, and it could shed light on today's Culture War.
What does Proverbs 13:16 reveal about Jesus Christ? Does it reveal something important about what kind of knowledge we should seek?
Proverbs 13:14 and 13:15 go well together. The teachings of the wise are a fountain of life while the faithless have a difficult life. Is that hard to understand?