If you're the praying kind of Christian, and I hope you are, I have a friend who could use your help. Let's call him Thomas.
Thomas's mother ha cancer and he fears he has only a short time with her. As it stands now, he's the primary caregiver and money is tight. Specifically, Thomas could use your gift of prayer to help him deal with the stress of caring for his mother and interacting with other family members, stewarding his time and resources wisely, focusing his mental energy on caring for his mother and completing his education (his two primary goals), and coming into contact with the personal, risen Lord Jesus Christ (he is an unbeliever).
While I believe in the power of prayer, I also believe in the sovereignty of God. That sovereignty can work miracles, but God chooses when and how He works. He often chooses to do His best work in response to prayer and that's why I'm asking you to send your best up for Thomas.
Meanwhile, this week, I'm camping in my van in Garland and Rockwall, Texas because I'm setting up a book table at a Kroger grocery store in Garland. Yesterday was my first day this week. It was great to meet fellow Christians and book readers who get excited about discovering an author they are not familiar with. Some of the people who bought my books were more excited than I was!
Here's a picture of my book table:

Since I don't set up my book table until 3 p.m., I spend the morning working at a city park overlooking Lake Ray Hubbard, which lies between Garland and Rockwall. We slept in a Walmart parking lot last night. We do this because the drive from home to any Kroger grocery store in the Dallas area is at least 30 miles one way, and most of them are 50 miles or more from home. That eats up a lot of my profits in gas expenses. Therefore, to save on that expense, my wife and I have chosen to use our resources more wisely by staying overnight near where we are selling books. Here's my office view this morning.

I, too, could use your prayers. Please pray that God will open up doors of opportunity for me to share the gospel with people (he already has!) and minister to people as needed. Yesterday, I spoke with a young man who is struggling with sexual sin. After reading the back cover of I Am Not the King, he asked me some pointed questions about how I deal with temptation today. That was a blessed experience. While he didn't purchase a book right then, I'm thankful God opened a door of opportunity for ministry. Please pray that God will use that to Tyrone's benefit.
Finally, please pray that Theresa and I will manage our resources wisely as we camp out in Garland and Rockwall this week and sell books. Pray that our efforts will lead to public speaking opportunities for me and the ability to get in front of more people with the message that God's love has no limits.
Also, please pray that I'll find time to write and publish more books as we figure out how to transition into full-time authorship.
Thank you, and I hope all is well in your corner of the Kingdom.
Allen Taylor

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